Source code for pgtoolkit.ctl

.. currentmodule:: pgtoolkit.ctl

API Reference

.. autoclass:: PGCtl
.. autoclass:: AsyncPGCtl
.. autoclass:: Status
.. autofunction:: run_command
.. autofunction:: asyncio_run_command
.. autoclass:: CommandRunner
    :members: __call__
.. autoclass:: AsyncCommandRunner
    :members: __call__

import abc
import asyncio
import enum
import re
import shutil
import subprocess
from import Mapping, Sequence
from functools import cached_property
from pathlib import Path
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Literal, Optional, Protocol, Union

    CompletedProcess = subprocess.CompletedProcess[str]
    CompletedProcess = subprocess.CompletedProcess

[docs] class CommandRunner(Protocol): """Protocol for `run_command` callable parameter of :class:`PGCtl`. The `text` mode, as defined in :mod:`subprocess`, must be used in implementations. Keyword arguments are expected to match that of :func:``. """
[docs] def __call__(
self, args: Sequence[str], *, capture_output: bool = False, check: bool = False, **kwargs: Any, ) -> CompletedProcess: ...
[docs] class AsyncCommandRunner(Protocol): """Protocol for `run_command` callable parameter of :class:`PGCtl`. The `text` mode, as defined in :mod:`subprocess`, must be used in implementations. Keyword arguments are expected to match that of :func:``. """
[docs] async def __call__(
self, args: Sequence[str], *, capture_output: bool = False, check: bool = False, **kwargs: Any, ) -> CompletedProcess: ...
[docs] def run_command( args: Sequence[str], *, check: bool = False, **kwargs: Any, ) -> CompletedProcess: """Default :class:`CommandRunner` implementation for :class:`PGCtl` using :func:``. """ return args, check=check, universal_newlines=True, **kwargs, )
[docs] async def asyncio_run_command( args: Sequence[str], *, capture_output: bool = False, check: bool = False, **kwargs: Any, ) -> CompletedProcess: """Default :class:`AsyncCommandRunner` implementation for :class:`AsyncPGCtl` using :func:`asyncio.subprocess`. """ if capture_output: kwargs["stdout"] = kwargs["stderr"] = subprocess.PIPE proc = await asyncio.create_subprocess_exec(*args, **kwargs) stdout, stderr = await proc.communicate() assert proc.returncode is not None r = CompletedProcess( args, proc.returncode, stdout.decode() if stdout is not None else None, stderr.decode() if stderr is not None else None, ) if check: r.check_returncode() return r
def _args_to_opts(args: Mapping[str, Union[str, Literal[True]]]) -> list[str]: options = [] for name, value in sorted(args.items()): short = len(name) == 1 name = name.replace("_", "-") if value is True: opt = f"-{name}" if short else f"--{name}" else: opt = f"-{name} {value}" if short else f"--{name}={value}" options.append(opt) return options def _wait_args_to_opts(wait: Union[bool, int]) -> list[str]: options = [] if not wait: options.append("--no-wait") else: options.append("--wait") if isinstance(wait, int) and not isinstance(wait, bool): options.append(f"--timeout={wait}") return options
[docs] @enum.unique class Status(enum.IntEnum): """PostgreSQL cluster runtime status.""" running = 0 """Running""" not_running = 3 """Not running""" unspecified_datadir = 4 """Unspecified data directory"""
class AbstractPGCtl(abc.ABC): bindir: Path version: int @cached_property def pg_ctl(self) -> Path: """Path to ``pg_ctl`` executable.""" value = self.bindir / "pg_ctl" if not value.exists(): raise OSError("pg_ctl executable not found") return value def version_cmd(self) -> list[str]: return [str(self.pg_ctl), "--version"] def init_cmd( self, datadir: Union[Path, str], **opts: Union[str, Literal[True]] ) -> list[str]: cmd = [str(self.pg_ctl), "init"] + ["-D", str(datadir)] options = _args_to_opts(opts) if options: cmd.extend(["-o", " ".join(options)]) return cmd def start_cmd( self, datadir: Union[Path, str], *, wait: Union[bool, int] = True, logfile: Optional[Union[Path, str]] = None, **opts: Union[str, Literal[True]], ) -> list[str]: cmd = [str(self.pg_ctl), "start"] + ["-D", str(datadir)] cmd.extend(_wait_args_to_opts(wait)) if logfile: cmd.append(f"--log={logfile}") options = _args_to_opts(opts) if options: cmd.extend(["-o", " ".join(options)]) return cmd def stop_cmd( self, datadir: Union[Path, str], *, mode: Optional[str] = None, wait: Union[bool, int] = True, ) -> list[str]: cmd = [str(self.pg_ctl), "stop"] + ["-D", str(datadir)] cmd.extend(_wait_args_to_opts(wait)) if mode: cmd.append(f"--mode={mode}") return cmd def restart_cmd( self, datadir: Union[Path, str], *, mode: Optional[str] = None, wait: Union[bool, int] = True, **opts: Union[str, Literal[True]], ) -> list[str]: cmd = [str(self.pg_ctl), "restart"] + ["-D", str(datadir)] cmd.extend(_wait_args_to_opts(wait)) if mode: cmd.append(f"--mode={mode}") options = _args_to_opts(opts) if options: cmd.extend(["-o", " ".join(options)]) return cmd def reload_cmd(self, datadir: Union[Path, str]) -> list[str]: return [str(self.pg_ctl), "reload"] + ["-D", str(datadir)] def status_cmd(self, datadir: Union[Path, str]) -> list[str]: return [str(self.pg_ctl), "status"] + ["-D", str(datadir)] def controldata_cmd(self, datadir: Union[Path, str]) -> list[str]: pg_controldata = self.bindir / "pg_controldata" if not pg_controldata.exists(): raise OSError("pg_controldata executable not found") return [str(pg_controldata)] + ["-D", str(datadir)] def _parse_control_data(self, lines: list[str]) -> dict[str, str]: """Parse pg_controldata command output.""" controldata = {} for line in lines: m = re.match(r"^([^:]+):(.*)$", line) if m: controldata[] = return controldata
[docs] class PGCtl(AbstractPGCtl): """Handler for pg_ctl commands. :param bindir: location of postgresql user executables; if not specified, this will be determined by calling ``pg_config`` if that executable is found in ``$PATH``. :param run_command: callable implementing :class:`CommandRunner` that will be used to execute ``pg_ctl`` commands. :raises: :class:`OSError` if either ``pg_config`` or ``pg_ctl`` is not available. """ run_command: CommandRunner def __init__( self, bindir: Optional[Union[str, Path]] = None, *, run_command: CommandRunner = run_command, ) -> None: if bindir is None: pg_config = shutil.which("pg_config") if pg_config is None: raise OSError("pg_config executable not found") bindir = run_command( [pg_config, "--bindir"], check=True, capture_output=True ).stdout.strip() self.bindir = Path(bindir) self.run_command = run_command version = run_command( self.version_cmd(), check=True, capture_output=True ).stdout.strip() self.version = num_version(version)
[docs] def init( self, datadir: Union[Path, str], **opts: Union[str, Literal[True]] ) -> CompletedProcess: """Initialize a PostgreSQL cluster (initdb) at `datadir`. :param datadir: Path to database storage area :param opts: extra options passed to initdb Options name passed as `opts` should be underscore'd instead dash'ed and flag options should be passed a boolean ``True`` value; e.g. ``auth_local="md5", data_checksums=True`` for ``pg_ctl init -o '--auth-local=md5 --data-checksums'``. """ return self.run_command(self.init_cmd(datadir, **opts), check=True)
[docs] def start( self, datadir: Union[Path, str], *, wait: Union[bool, int] = True, logfile: Optional[Union[Path, str]] = None, **opts: Union[str, Literal[True]], ) -> CompletedProcess: """Start a PostgreSQL cluster. :param datadir: Path to database storage area :param wait: Wait until operation completes, if an integer value is passed, this will be used as --timeout value. :param logfile: Optional log file path :param opts: extra options passed to ``postgres`` command. Options name passed as `opts` should be underscore'd instead of dash'ed and flag options should be passed a boolean ``True`` value; e.g. ``F=True, work_mem=123`` for ``pg_ctl start -o '-F --work-mem=123'``. """ return self.run_command( self.start_cmd(datadir, wait=wait, logfile=logfile, **opts), check=True )
[docs] def stop( self, datadir: Union[Path, str], *, mode: Optional[str] = None, wait: Union[bool, int] = True, ) -> CompletedProcess: """Stop a PostgreSQL cluster. :param datadir: Path to database storage area :param mode: Shutdown mode, can be "smart", "fast", or "immediate" :param wait: Wait until operation completes, if an integer value is passed, this will be used as --timeout value. """ return self.run_command( self.stop_cmd(datadir, mode=mode, wait=wait), check=True )
[docs] def restart( self, datadir: Union[Path, str], *, mode: Optional[str] = None, wait: Union[bool, int] = True, **opts: Union[str, Literal[True]], ) -> CompletedProcess: """Restart a PostgreSQL cluster. :param datadir: Path to database storage area :param mode: Shutdown mode, can be "smart", "fast", or "immediate" :param wait: Wait until operation completes, if an integer value is passed, this will be used as --timeout value. :param opts: extra options passed to ``postgres`` command. Options name passed as `opts` should be underscore'd instead of dash'ed and flag options should be passed a boolean ``True`` value; e.g. ``F=True, work_mem=123`` for ``pg_ctl restart -o '-F --work-mem=123'``. """ return self.run_command( self.restart_cmd(datadir, mode=mode, wait=wait, **opts), check=True )
[docs] def reload( self, datadir: Union[Path, str], ) -> CompletedProcess: """Reload a PostgreSQL cluster. :param datadir: Path to database storage area """ return self.run_command(self.reload_cmd(datadir), check=True)
[docs] def status(self, datadir: Union[Path, str]) -> Status: """Check PostgreSQL cluster status. :param datadir: Path to database storage area :return: Status value. """ cp = self.run_command(self.status_cmd(datadir)) rc = cp.returncode if rc == 1: raise subprocess.CalledProcessError(rc, cp.args, cp.stdout, cp.stderr) return Status(rc)
[docs] def controldata(self, datadir: Union[Path, str]) -> dict[str, str]: """Run the pg_controldata command and parse the result to return controldata as dict. :param datadir: Path to database storage area """ r = self.run_command( self.controldata_cmd(datadir), check=True, env={"LC_ALL": "C"}, capture_output=True, ).stdout return parse_control_data(r.splitlines())
[docs] class AsyncPGCtl(AbstractPGCtl): """Async handler for pg_ctl commands. See :class:`PGCtl` for the interface. """ run_command: AsyncCommandRunner def __init__(self, bindir: Path, run_command: AsyncCommandRunner) -> None: self.bindir = bindir self.run_command = run_command
[docs] @classmethod async def get( cls, bindir: Optional[Union[str, Path]] = None, *, run_command: AsyncCommandRunner = asyncio_run_command, ) -> "AsyncPGCtl": """Construct an AsyncPGCtl instance from specified or inferred 'bindir'. :param bindir: location of postgresql user executables; if not specified, this will be determined by calling ``pg_config`` if that executable is found in ``$PATH``. :param run_command: callable implementing :class:`CommandRunner` that will be used to execute ``pg_ctl`` commands. :raises: :class:`OSError` if either ``pg_config`` or ``pg_ctl`` is not available. """ if bindir is None: pg_config = shutil.which("pg_config") if pg_config is None: raise OSError("pg_config executable not found") bindir = ( await run_command( [pg_config, "--bindir"], check=True, capture_output=True ) ).stdout.strip() bindir = Path(bindir) self = cls(bindir, run_command) version = ( await run_command(self.version_cmd(), check=True, capture_output=True) ).stdout.strip() self.version = num_version(version) return self
async def init( self, datadir: Union[Path, str], **opts: Union[str, Literal[True]] ) -> CompletedProcess: return await self.run_command(self.init_cmd(datadir, **opts), check=True) async def start( self, datadir: Union[Path, str], *, wait: Union[bool, int] = True, logfile: Optional[Union[Path, str]] = None, **opts: Union[str, Literal[True]], ) -> CompletedProcess: return await self.run_command( self.start_cmd(datadir, wait=wait, logfile=logfile, **opts), check=True ) async def stop( self, datadir: Union[Path, str], *, mode: Optional[str] = None, wait: Union[bool, int] = True, ) -> CompletedProcess: return await self.run_command( self.stop_cmd(datadir, mode=mode, wait=wait), check=True ) async def restart( self, datadir: Union[Path, str], *, mode: Optional[str] = None, wait: Union[bool, int] = True, **opts: Union[str, Literal[True]], ) -> CompletedProcess: return await self.run_command( self.restart_cmd(datadir, mode=mode, wait=wait, **opts), check=True ) async def reload( self, datadir: Union[Path, str], ) -> CompletedProcess: return await self.run_command(self.reload_cmd(datadir), check=True) async def status(self, datadir: Union[Path, str]) -> Status: cp = await self.run_command(self.status_cmd(datadir)) rc = cp.returncode if rc == 1: raise subprocess.CalledProcessError(rc, cp.args, cp.stdout, cp.stderr) return Status(rc) async def controldata(self, datadir: Union[Path, str]) -> dict[str, str]: r = ( await self.run_command( self.controldata_cmd(datadir), check=True, env={"LC_ALL": "C"}, capture_output=True, ) ).stdout return parse_control_data(r.splitlines())
def parse_control_data(lines: Sequence[str]) -> dict[str, str]: """Parse pg_controldata command output.""" controldata = {} for line in lines: m = re.match(r"^([^:]+):(.*)$", line) if m: controldata[] = return controldata def num_version(text_version: str) -> int: """Return PostgreSQL numeric version as defined by LibPQ PQserverVersion >>> num_version('pg_ctl (PostgreSQL) 9.6.3') 90603 >>> num_version('pg_ctl (PostgreSQL) 9.2.0') 90200 >>> num_version('pg_ctl (PostgreSQL) 11.10') 110010 >>> num_version('pg_ctl (PostgreSQL) 11.1') 110001 >>> num_version("pg_ctl (PostgreSQL) 14devel") 140000 >>> num_version("pg_ctl (PostgreSQL) 9.6devel") 90600 >>> num_version("pg_ctl (PostgreSQL) 9.6rc1") 90600 """ res = re.match( r"pg_ctl \(\w+\) ([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+)(?:\.([0-9]+))?", text_version, ) if res is not None: rmatch = if int( < 10: rmatch +=, "0") if is not None: rmatch +=, "0") else: return num_dev_version(text_version) else: rmatch +=, "0") pg_num_version = int(rmatch) return pg_num_version return num_dev_version(text_version) def num_dev_version(text_version: str) -> int: """Return PostgreSQL numeric version as defined by LibPQ PQserverVersion >>> num_dev_version("pg_ctl (PostgreSQL) 14devel") 140000 >>> num_dev_version("pg_ctl (PostgreSQL) 13beta1") 130000 >>> num_dev_version("pg_ctl (PostgreSQL) 13rc1") 130000 >>> num_dev_version("pg_ctl (PostgreSQL) 9.6devel") 90600 """ res = re.match( r"pg_ctl \(\w+\) ([0-9]+)(?:\.([0-9]+))?(devel|beta[0-9]+|rc[0-9]+)", text_version, ) if not res: raise Exception(f"Undefined PostgreSQL version: {text_version}") rmatch = if is not None: rmatch +=, "0") + "00" else: rmatch += "0000" pg_num_version = int(rmatch) return pg_num_version